Types of papilloma

Each strain of HPV causes its own types of papillomas. They differ in external form and place of appearance. Have a low or high oncogenic level. Papilloma is a consequence of the HPV virus. Sometimes skin neoplasms appear on human skin in completely different places with common symptoms. They have a common name - papillomas. They differ from each other in shape, structure, location on the body, degree of oncogenic danger. Depending on these factors, papillomas have their own special names. What are papillomas and why do they appear?

What are papillomas?

"A tumor in the form of a papilla", this is how the term papilloma is translated from Latin. These growths on the skin appear due to the HPV virus. Any papilloma is a benign tumor, however, depending on the strain (type) of papillomavirus, they pose an oncogenic risk.

Variety of papillomas according to oncogenic risk:

  1. Low oncogenic risk.
  2. High oncogenic risk.
hanging papilloma

The second group includes strains - 82, 73, 68, 59, 58, 56, 52, 51, 45, 39, 35, 33, 31, 18, 16. Growths on the skin can be completely different in color. The color palette of the papilloma can range from light to almost black. Sometimes an elongated papilloma develops on the body, other types of HPV are flat or, conversely, overgrown, resembling a rooster's comb.

Only a doctor can determine the nature of the papillomavirus by performing the necessary diagnostics:

  • visual examination of the patient;
  • take tests to identify the strain of the virus.

The virus enters the body under favorable conditions for it. You must be in contact with a virus carrier or with contaminated objects and your immunity must be weakened.

Usually HPV is easily blocked by the immune system, there are a number of reasons why it fails:

  • long-term medication;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • drug use;
  • excessive consumption of alcohol and cigarettes.

Any type of this disease requires timely treatment. Papillomas on the body have an unpleasant feature of growing and sometimes mutating into an oncological disease. Consulting a doctor is a necessary preventive measure.

Simple (vulgar) papillomas

It is the most common type of papilloma on the body. People call them warts, they appear gradually. First, a small tubercle grows on the skin. Gradually, it increases in diameter and changes color from pale flesh to a more saturated brownish. The structure of the papilloma vulgaris also changes, it becomes hard, keratinization appears.

papillomas vulgaris

Papillomas vulgaris are more often located on:

  • Palm trees;
  • fingers;
  • skin between fingers
  • knees;
  • sometimes formed on the face, back, neck

Such neoplasms can occur in groups. First, a "mother papilloma" appears, then daughter growths are formed.

Children and adolescents are particularly susceptible to this type of HPV. Vulgar papillomas are usually benign in nature, they do not degenerate into oncological formations. Strains 75-77, 26-29, 41, 38, 49, 57, 65 are responsible for the appearance of such neoplasms.

Simple types of viruses on the body include plantar warts. The name refers to the place of their appearance. The outgrowth on the sole grows on its own, it can be identified by the characteristic protruding rim. Usually does not cause inconvenience, but sometimes it can interfere with walking. In order not to confuse a corn with a plantar wart, remember that a corn has a smooth, even surface on which the pattern of the skin appears. Plantar warts are caused by strains 1 through 4.

These and others are easily removed in a medical clinic. But do not rush to the doctor, such growths can go away on their own.

Flat papillomas

flat papillomas on the face

This growth immediately differs from other skin neoplasms.

It rises just a little above the skin, if you look closely you can see that its surface, which seems dense, seems to consist of small nodules. A flat wart does not have a predetermined shape, it can be serrated or, on the contrary, rounded.

A flat papilloma does not have a process of keratinization (death and keratinization of skin cells), therefore, it does not have skin furrows characteristic of other types of papillomas.

The color of such an accumulation is usually light, sometimes it darkens and turns brown. Flat papilloma cannot be dark brown.


hand papilloma examination
  • shins;
  • arms;
  • return;
  • on the face appear on the cheeks, around the eyes and on the chin.

Flat neoplasms are immediately noticeable to strangers (if they are in open places). In addition to visual ugliness, they cause physical discomfort in the form of itching. When you try to scratch them, they start to "burn".

Such formations should be shown to a dermatologist. You are unlikely to prescribe the right treatment for yourself. The doctor must examine you, make a diagnosis and, taking into account all the physical characteristics, prescribe treatment. Such growths are easier to remove immediately after they appear. Old shoots will need to be removed by the procedure. Flat papillomas cause virus types 49, 28, 10.

Sharp papillomas (warts)

They have a characteristic appearance, which makes it possible not to confuse them with other types of papillomaviruses. Externally, such a papilloma can be compared with "cauliflower" or "cock's comb". Genital warts are attached to the skin and grow on a short stalk. They are solitary and form large groups. Such a HPV tumor in women can grow to a significant size.

The color of the growths varies depending on the place of their appearance. The condyloma can be white, flesh, pale pink and have a color ranging from light red to brown. Sometimes these growths secrete a foul-smelling liquid.

Genital warts are often injured due to the specific location.

The main location of genital warts:

  1. Sexual organs.
  2. Anal area.
  3. Crotch.
  4. Urethra.
  5. Vagina and cervix in women.

Such a human papillomavirus is only transmitted sexually. Its development causes the virus 69, 55, 54, 51, 44, 42, 6, 1

If left untreated, a pre-oncological condition may develop. The virus accumulates in tissues close to growth and changes the DNA composition of the epithelium and mucous membranes, causing penile oncology in men and cervical cancer in women. woman. Genital warts must be removed.

Filiform papillomas

They are also called acrochords. They mostly grow singly, but groups of acrochords are also found. If it is accidentally torn off, a new process will reappear in its place, moreover, the growth can wander around the body, growing. They do not deliver pain.

papillomas on the eyelid

There is more aesthetic rejection of the buildup, especially if the papilloma has grown on the face. Color range from skin tone to brown. The acrochord is oblong and elastic, sometimes there are keratinized papillomas.

Preferred spawn locations for areas of the body with delicate skin:

  • face (eyelid area, nose);
  • inguinal folds;
  • on the neck;
  • armpits;
  • under the breast (in a woman).

If the acrocord appears on the face, scrubs and brushes should not be used so as not to injure it. Armpit growths are often injured by razors.

It is better to consult a doctor and remove the neoplasm in the clinic in order to avoid infection and degeneration of the disease in oncology. The latter rarely occurs with filiform papillomas.

pointed papillomas

The viruses that cause this type of HPV are strains 2 and 7. Skin tags are more common in older people because the skin loses its elasticity over time.

Sometimes the disease affects children and adolescents.

These are the most common forms of HPV. According to the information about the types of viruses, you can independently make a preliminary diagnosis. For a more accurate diagnosis, a medical examination is necessary.

In addition to these forms of HPV, other types of papillomas also occur. For example, papillomatosis of the larynx, choroid papilloma (grows in the brain), stomach papillomas are called stomach papillitis. Internal papillomas are the most dangerous, sometimes the patient goes to the doctor with an advanced stage of HPV. You can die from internal neoplasms. For example, growths in the larynx interfere with the respiratory process and can cause asphyxiation. Any HPV disease requires immediate medical attention.